Attract the best technology leaders to ensure a thriving business

Across North America, we use industry-leading proactive recruitment techniques to identify and hire the most impactful technology talent for your Private Equity firm. P&A ensures you are always staffed with top-tier professionals to maximize your success.

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Proactive recruitment to help you to stay ahead of the competition

Opportunistic hiring allows you to form a powerful leadership team with consistent access to top technology talent.
We are always on the lookout for the next extraordinary addition to your technology function.
We are experts in discreet candidate communication.

Interview Industry Leaders

We thoroughly interview all potential technology executive candidates to gain an understanding of their career goals, motivations, and values, and ensure they align with yours.

Hire for this service

Evaluate Options

We evaluate each candidate we interview to determine which industries, roles, and companies they are best suited for.

Identify Desirable Outcomes

Once we have confirmed the best placement location for the candidate, we pinpoint all relevant stakeholders both within our network and externally.

Systematically Engage

We discreetly engage with our network to identify suitable contacts and explore all viable opportunities, providing experienced advice to ensure a successful introduction.

Facilitate Hiring Process

After introductions, we effectively manage the recruitment process.

Offer & Acceptance

Once we have identified the ideal candidate, we work with you and your hire to reach an employment agreement that satisfies both parties' needs.

Successful Onboarding & Continued Support

After ensuring successful onboarding, P&A continues to offer support, making sure the venture continues to align with both your goals.

Industries we serve

We also serve clients in the following industries:
Software & SaaS  •  Manufacturing  •  Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology  •  Logistics & Packaging  •  Education •  Healthcare •  Government Aerospace & Defense •  Energy •  Construction •  Retail & Consumer •  Industrials
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Find Who You Need with Precision

We match the best technology leaders with exceptional businesses. Find the right talent to grow your business.

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Contact Us

Your inquiries are important to us, and our team is more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about your business.

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